Water Risk Assessments For The Workplace

Water Risk Assessments For The Workplace


The presence of water poses a risk to health and safety and of damage to assets, stock and property. A water risk-assessment reveals the water-based hazards in your workplace, who is affected, the type of harm and the different levels of risk. Your risk-assessment is the first step to containing water-based hazards and increasing safety awareness among your employees.

What We Do

At Workplace Risk Management we help businesses conduct personalised written water risk-assessments.

  • Identify potential sources of water-based hazards – including pumps, air conditioning systems, storage tanks.
  • Identifiy higher-risk employees or service users, e. g. schoolchlidren, pregnant women, patients in hopsitals.
  • Control environment conducive to bacterial contamitnation, e. g. stagnant or slow flowing water, longer pipe sections, water below 60C, the presence of organic compunds, rust and algae that feed bacteria.
  • Identify maintenance requirements that may lead to hegihtened water safety risk.
  • Microbiological testing to identify the presence of contaminants.
  • Put in place measure sto control dispersion of water spray.
  • Establish procedures for purifying process water used in manufacturing and cleaning.
  • Implement control measures for water safety, including:

Sectors We Work With

Water-based hazards may be present in any workplace, with some sectors at increased risk:

Why Choose Workplace Risk Management?

At Workplace Risk Management we help businesses quickly identify water safety hazards and put in place appropriate measures to contain and mitigate risk. With our expert support and cloud-based software systems, customers save time and money on water-safety reporting and monitoring. To find out more about our health and safety and risk management services, please call 0845 260 4242 or email [email protected].

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