In today’s compensation culture and increasing employer’s liability insurance costs, Health and Safety has become an issue that must be addressed.
Workplace Risk Management recognise that engineering and manufacturing locations, can be amongst the most hazardous within the workplace. It is essential your work force’s safety is properly managed and that they and others are not exposed to unnecessary risk. Their safety is paramount and we can offer guidance, practical solutions and documentation. Our aim is not just to meet the legal Health and Safety requirements but, through thorough risk assessments, suggest improvements to ensure that hazards at work are properly managed.
With over 3.2 million people employed in manufacturing and engineering in the UK it is no surprise that there are in excess of 26,000 injuries reported annually to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) that are as a result of poor work practices. These injuries are spread amongst a variety of different types of manufacturing businesses including engineering; printing; laundry and dry cleaning services; paper mills; leather and footwear industries; motor vehicle repair; cement works; ceramics industry; concrete production; rubber production; the plastics industry; quarry production; the textile industry; the woodworking industry; surface engineering; waste and recycling; stonemasonry; heavy clay and brick production; molten metal production; and glass and glazing.
SME’s often cannot afford a full time Health & Safety manager. Outsourcing the Health and Safety function, is the most cost effective way to stay within the law, as well as mitigating claims against accidents. We provide professional Health and Safety and risk management services to help you manage and control these risks. We can develop and deliver training courses and informative material which is specific to the risks your company encounters in the workplace.
We cover:
- Health and Safety Risk Assessments and Action Plan
- Fire Safety Risk Assessments and Action Plan
- Health and Safety and Fire Safety Management System Documentation
- Risk Assessments of Equipment and Machinery
- Lone Working Risk Assessment
- Safe Systems of Work (SSOW)
- Working in Confined Spaces
- Noise Assessments
- Fire Marshal Training
- Working at Height Training
- Other Health and Safety and Fire Safety Related Training
- Manual Handling Training
- Safety Audits
- Safety Inspections
- Annual Action Plans
Hazards exist in Factories and Workshops and there are well documented cases of staff being injured through neglect of health and safety regulations and weak risk assessments.
Leave it to Workplace Risk Management.
We’re here to help, undertaking all types of risk assessments, advising on your legal obligations and delivering a documented approach to managing the risks your employees face.