Workplace Risk Management have considerable experience managing risks within care homes, protecting those who are most vulnerable. A fresh set of eyes on your already existing Health and Safety systems, can often identify hazards which could reasonably be expected to cause harm. We concentrate on hazards across the organization and not just those which could result in serious harm. We can identify from your employees and residents specific risks and procedures which are weak and have potential for problems.
Typical risks arising from hazards in residential care homes can be significant. These risks apply to all users not just employees but visitors and others. In response to these risks, we have developed a broad range of services.
Workplace Risk Management identifies all users who may be at risk. These may include staff, residents, visitors and contractors. Typical Accidents in Residential Care Homes:
- Trips, Falls and Slips
- Electroduction
- Cuts
- Burns from Heat Sources
- Scalds from Heat Sources
- Poisoning
- Physical Violence Between Residents
- Lifting, Moving or Restraining
- Machinery
- Infection (leading to disease)
We Cover:
- Health and Safety Risk Assessments and Action Plan
- Fire Safety Risk Assessments and Action Plan
- Health and Safety and Fire Safety Management System Documentation
- Activity Risk Assessments
- Lone Working Risk Assessment
- Disability Access Audits
- Fire Marshall Training
- Work at Height Training
- Manual Handling Training
- Other Health and Safety and Fire Safety Related Training
We can also consider maintenance such as the effectiveness of thermostatic valves on baths and showers, condition of electrical appliances, cleaning procedures, condition of furniture and Health and Safety tripping/slipping hazards. We can also take into account the condition of lifts and hoists.
Your Care Home may seem like a safe environment, but hazards exist and there are well documented cases of staff being injured through neglect of health and safety regulations and weak risk assessments.
Leave it to Workplace Risk Management.
We’re here to help, undertaking all types of risk assessments, advising on your legal obligations and delivering a documented approach to managing the risks your employees face.